*Modified by: ChaCha, CJ, & Danice

Auto-Biography:  --

Age:  15

Grade:  10th

Year in All-male/ Rank: 1st year

Interests: Dance

Fav. Music : IDK

Nicknames:  Kaloy

What is your zodiac sign? Leo

Date of Birth: 8/15/93

Birthplace:  Oxnard

Fav. colors:  Brown& Blue

Fav. movie:  Enchanted

Fav. online symbol:  ?

Fav. Thing to do alone: IDK haha

Fav. card game:  Irish

Fav. Flavor of ice cream: Strawberry Cheesecake

Fav. Soda:  N/A

Fav Candy:  Jolly Ranchers

Favorite board game:  Monopoly

Favorite magazine: I don’t read magazines

Favorite Drink:  Water and Tea

Favorite sound:  what?

Favorite Smell:  Food :)

Favorite TV shows:  The Girls Nextdoor! haha

Favorite thing to do on the weekend:  Dance and Sleep

Favorite Soundtrack:  Enchanted

Name Of first crush: Kayleen

Hobbies:  Dance

One pillow or two: One

Pancakes or french toast: Pancakes

Any tatoos? Where and what of? none

Piercing and Where:  none

Do you believe in reincarnation? I guess

Would you rather be deaf or blind? Blind

Do you have a job? nope

Do you consider yourself to be a good listener? No (in class)

Would you rather be short or tall? short

Would you rather be overly happy and poor, or overly wealthy and unhappy? Happy and poor

Would you consider your relationship with your parents bad, okay, good, or great? okay

Do you like to talk on the phone?  sometimes

Would you rather go on a walk or watch tv? Watch TV

Are you male or female? male

Do you think boys or girls have it easier? Girls

If you could be invisible for one day, what would you do? Steal Stuff from stores. haha

Do you like Adidas, Nike, Fila, or Reebok (or other) best? NIKE

If you were in a theater and someone was crying would you laugh? depends

Are you watching the movie or people? WTF??

Best advice you've given:  IDK

Words and Phrases you over use: Acapoco

Car you have:  N/A

What's your bedtime: Varies

Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Nope

Would you eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000? Nope

Have you ever wanted to run away?  Nope

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?  Nope

If you were stranded on a deserted island with one single person, who would you want it to be with? Megan Fox

Favorite Relatives: Cousins

What do you remember most about this year? Comp Season

Memory you miss the most:  Danice in Coed (tear)

Favorite concert you've been to:  N/A

Do you believe in yourself:  Yes, if you believe you can achieve then you will succeed

Drinks, with or without ice cubes:  Depends

Worst feeling in the world: Failing

Best feeling in the world:  Having Fun

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully Successful

What's the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? Eff School :)

Do you get motion sickness?  Not Really

Rollercoasters- deadly or exciting? exciting

Are you a good friend? Yes

Chocolate or vanilla cake? Chocolate

Do you like to drive: never started

Thunderstorms- cool or scary? scary

If you could meet one person in the world, who would it be? God

What do you wear to bed?  PJs

Guys- would you give your shirt to a girl if she asked for it? I guess

If you could have an occupation when you get older, what would it be: I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies