
CIA Playlist


Who We Are

Based out of Oxnard, California, we consist of 13 male dancers - committed, dedicated, and hard-working. We are the 15th year in Channel Islands All-Male History, and we will strive to continue the All-Male Tradition: to carry on the Channel Islands Name. We will set goals to challenge us for the better, to take All-Male to the next generation, and to take All-Male to a much higher level, way beyond the expected.



New Team! CIA 2009-2010

It's been a good year, but all good things gotta end sometime, and the time has come (lotta cleches in that sentence). Tryouts have come and gone, and the new team is decided.

09 - 10

Lloyd Lucin

Moses Ramirez

Roldwin Ramos
Jon Dizon

Ralph Lina Mark Carbonell
Rodrigo Marron Nico Amon
Chris Bernardo Adrian Reyes
Jason Amurao Eric Ortiz
William Aguinaldo

Congrats to the new members and officers! Hope you'll have a great year.

In: , ,

The LONG Overdue Comp Season Post

Wow it's been a while since I did anything to this site. Sorry, I've been pretty preoccupied (and lazy). But enough excuses, time to fill in:

Comp Season:
It's been a pretty good comp season for us. We didn't attend as many as we wanted, but the ones we did were fun. Here are our titles for Competiton Season 2009:

Prelude 5 - 3rd
Bragging Rights (w/ Co-Ed) - 2nd
West Covina - 1st
Street Dance - 2nd
West Torrance - 1st
USA Nationals - 3rd
Drill Team USA - 1st & Highest Score of the All-Male Division



West Covina

Bragging Rights